Make The Best Use of Your Intellect
Please don’t feign ignorance. The Almighty has blessed you with the super intelligence, but for what? Going hundred percent by the hear-say or what your mind generates, is totally wrong. It is as if someone has locked himself in a room, thinking that the world does not exist outside and there is nothing to realize beyond it. He also thinks that the whole world has perished. We call it a sheer ignorance. When he unlocks and sees the world outside, he realizes that the world is existing as it was and only he had been within his limited range of place and mind.
Today’s individual, under the wrong perception, attaches radical importance to worldly materialism and defines spirituality as a superfluous affair and claims ‘Satsang’ as hypocrisy. On the other hand true Saints after their deep realization, contradict man’s theory of materialism and his attitude towards amassing bank balance, wealth, properties and children and behold such attainments as superfluous. Saints question, “Have you acquired any such commodity that would accompany your soul when it would leave your body?” and when that soul, which encompasses everything is not there, there is obviously nothing. Everything goes on because of the soul’s existence. some people question about the existence of the soul and God and carry the wrong notion that there is no such thing. It is nothing but a narrow thinking and an utterance based on bankruptcy of knowledge. O brothers ! it is imprudent to declare the result without scrutinizing the whole of subject matter.